
From an academic perspective, the learning process is an individual activity that has its own dynamics within the sociocultural sphere. Additionally, it results from the logical consequence of cognitive processes through which new information (facts, concepts, value procedures) is assimilated and internalized, new significant and functional mental representations (knowledge) are built, which can then be applied in situations other than normal the contexts in which they were learned. That is, learning cannot be limited to a simple condition of storing information, because it implies a systematization and integration of mental operations: knowing, understanding, applying, analyzing, synthesizing and evaluating.

But from an economic perspective, like any scientific discipline, economics (from the Greek “oikonomos” which means “household management”) is extremely rigorous in its method, procedure and application. Its object of study is the human being, and consequently it does not accept capricious experimentation or improvisation with a biased, biased and immediate vision, or lacking coherent and orderly methodological and strategic criteria that lead to contradicting or breaking its innate laws.

Consequently, based on the theoretical formulations of Lionel Robbins (1932) in his "Essay on the nature and importance of Economic Science", economics can be conceived as a continuous learning process based on a scientific methodology of a social nature, which bases the process of making effective and sustainable decisions, in the inalienable task of solving the economic problem, that is, any situation where there is or may be a gap between the unlimited needs of all living beings, with respect to scarce resources (with alternative uses) that are required to solve them.

Thus, the specific objectives are related to:

• Make a permanent contrast between the theoretical foundations of the Economy with the social reality and its application to any human activity.

• Prepare sequentially on a weekly basis a set of expository texts that are fully supported by a scientific and academic basis.

• Create an electronic or digital space for awareness, training and information in the area of ​​economy in its broadest conception, based on a communication message in simple language, documented and illustrated with audiovisual elements.

Therefore, this academic product entitled "Contemporary Economic and Academic Perspective" captures the process of integrality between the economic conception, the continuity of meaningful learning and the truthful and timely communicational message, which are clearly a priority, of invaluable importance and of transcendental influence, in particular for the reality and time of intense entrenchment of the economic enclave, rent-seeking and oil dependence, which inevitably leads to a "complex humanitarian illness" that is broadly circumscribed within the parameters of "unconventional warfare" plagued by of high psychological manipulation that has the unethical purpose of conditioning human emotions and behaviors against society itself.

In this sense, the result of the investigation focuses its attention on Chapter IV, where sequentially from December 2014 to the present, a discursive exposition is made where the formality and specialty of the economic are combined to clarify or guide the different phenomena or problems that coexist in the local, national or world scenario in a didactic way and with a language that allows it to be assimilated by all.

Likewise, Chapter I outlines the introductory aspects that have motivated, inspired, encouraged and supported the realization of this vocational work that dates back to 1997 when we started university activities at the National Experimental University of Táchira (UNET), after an experience also wonderful academically and personally at the Basic School of the Faculty of Engineering at the Universidad de los Andes (ULA).

In the same way, in Chapter II the methodological and conceptual aspects that broadly support the formal work carried out are presented, and in Chapter III an approximation is made to the current and historical context of the Venezuelan reality, which is the one that serves as a scenario for the sequential preparation of opinion articles that are published weekly in the Venezuelan media: such is the case of El Nacional, La Nación and Radio Fe y Alegría. Finally highlighting that the conclusions assume a format of application and reflection.


I) Strategic lines: "Contemporary Economic and Academic Perspective" with the formality and scientific rigor of the case, on the one hand it fundamentally follows three strategic lines that are inseparably related to: i) "Create a space for training and information in the area of economy, based on a communicational message with simple and illustrated language but well-founded”. ii) “Implement a timely and pertinent plan for training and information in Economics that is fully, continuously and irrevocably supported by a scientific and academic basis”. iii) “Disseminate the results and interpretations of the permanent contracting between the theoretical foundations of the Economy with the social reality, and its application to any human activity”.

But it is also framed within three levels of communication with their respective operational objectives:

1) Sensitization or awareness about the importance of economic events: "Make Venezuelan society aware of the economic issue as a key foundation in the process of optimizing routine decisions."

2) The basic, introductory or general culture training on the subject that groups the interaction between the economic, social and political: "Progressively introduce scientific knowledge in the economic field in a clear, continuous, coherent and coordinated way, so that allows the receiver of the message to understand the complex integration and interdependence of the multiple variables that interact in society”.

3) The possibility of being able to transmit continuous, truthful and timely information about economic, social and political events: "Articulate mechanisms so that society as a whole receives continuous, truthful and timely information on economic, social and political events from an academic perspective”.

II) Methodological criteria:

On the other hand, it is emphasized that the academic product presented here is holistically interrelated with a host of experiences, theories and practices that condition its development and final result. This complexity, characterized by the interaction of multiple qualitative factors, forms an integrated whole, which essentially represents the nature of academic "praxis" itself. These arguments encourage the use of the qualitative research paradigm, under the divergent methodology approach, the complex cognitive processes associated with Constructivism and the principles of Gestalt Psychology; and scientific disciplines related to convergent thinking.

Additionally, retrospective and prospective analysis is used as an alternative to significantly solve the imminent communication barriers and make the necessary feedback possible. Although the retrospective approach obeys a linear systemic vision (Castellano and Vadell: 1990), its importance in this work lies in its contribution to the critical analysis of what happened in the past in order to find a causal explanation for current or contemporary reality. . But the prospective methodology is also used to foresee viable and potentially possible scenarios impregnated with "holistic vision, creativity, participation and cohesion, pre-eminence of the process over the product, convergence, divergence and the constructive purpose" (Miklos: 1999:70- 79).

Adding in this sequence, that the content analysis approach is used to obtain significant learning, based on testimonies by various social groups through interview and observation in any of its modalities, therefore representing an inexhaustible source or edge. of information to describe, based on the phenomenological method, the socio, economic and political event or phenomenon in which we are all involved: all this inserted in the triangulation process (at its different levels according to Mckernan, 2001) to generate scientific knowledge pertinent and proceeding that allows to find a possible sustainable solution.

In summary, the intellectual investment and with it the scientific activity of decoding, deciphering and describing the background or the "hidden" of the Venezuelan economic system, embodied in the sequential structure of articles under the format of expository text, and that make up the central component of "Contemporary Economic and Academic Perspective", are sustained thanks to the postulates of the "Grounded Theory", and are mainly developed when the conceptual and operational criteria of phenomenology, hermeneutics and the application of economic models or algorithms are fully used. -mathematicians, which are summarized in the term "cryptoeconomics": which ultimately support the pragmatic procedure of this promotion work.

III. Sequential structure:

Understanding the background or having a documented and systematic perspective of the contemporary historical sequence of events or phenomena is a need for identity for any society, especially for the Venezuelan nation, but it is equally vitally important to internalize the meaning that emerges from each situation or experience that a certain social reality has had in terms of time-space, but considered as an entirely continuous process full of an infinite complex set of emotional appreciations of all the human beings involved.

The writing of opinion articles from an economic perspective and related to daily events, dates back to 1997 when academic activities began in the economics nucleus of the UNET, regarding direct and indirect teaching activities in the field of economics. economy. Since then, within a process of dialectic, evolution and permanent improvement, it has ventured into different Venezuelan social communication media (La Nación newspaper, El Nacional, Radio Fe y Alegría, Ecos del Torbes), in which week after week week since December 2014, there is an academic commitment (Ad honorem) to present for publication in the respective informative column, different opinion articles from the conception as an economist, prepared with academic or scientific rigor and following a sequential or chained order that keep relation to the characteristic events or phenomena that are present in the local, national or international reality.


The discourse that is present in the sequential articles is made at different communication levels (sensitize, educate, inform), but they also comply with the conventional guidelines of the expository text, in what refers to: i) its informative, explanatory and directional; ii) its logical structure: introduction, development and conclusion; iii) its basic presentation format: definition; description; characterization; narration; iv) its type: informative and/or specialized; v) its internal organization: problem/solution; cause effect; compare/contrast; descriptive enumeration; temporal sequence.

Next consider an illustration of all of the foregoing:

Extermination wage

(Published in El Nacional and La Nación. Date: February 05 and 06, 2022)

Unfortunately, we are victims of the onslaught of a syndemic that has a premeditated necro logic, which is maliciously rooted in a "selective" genocide, which consists of belittling, deteriorating, humiliating, displacing, "exterminating" and progressively replacing (in the mental plane, moral, emotional, spiritual and physical) to certain social groups on the one hand vulnerable or on the other hand of vital "strategic" importance, among which are the direct and indirect guarantors of intellectuality or critical thinking.

Substitution that has been reflected in different states of chronic vulnerability, due to the condition of lacking the minimum resources necessary for a balanced diet, comprehensive health and therefore life. On the one hand, the severe levels of malnutrition that expose with immense fragility and high probability of occurrence, the certain fact of contracting any type of disease or aggravating a pre-existing one, and as an immediate repercussion an imminent fatal outcome. But it is also added, the learned helplessness that has fed back the tsunami of resignations, retirements, migrations, abandonment, etc.

This is not accidental, everything obeys a deliberate plan. The "Big Brother" (Orwell, 1949) for the Venezuelan case, has a "political clientele" to whom they "reward" their loyalty, even if they do not have the vocation, training and experience, they are waiting for their turn or opportunity to enter the university in the role of teachers, administrators or workers. It is a reality that should not be ignored, so it is essential to keep the university community informed with full transparency, regarding everything that is being discussed and planned to be decided in the short and medium term, for example, the academic regime, its definitive modality, its “voluntary contribution”…or the “deliberations” with the national government on university electoral matters.


(Published in El Nacional and La Nación. Date: February 12 and 13, 2022)

Moral harassment "aims to intimidate, diminish, reduce, flatten, intimidate and emotionally and intellectually consume the victim, with a view to eliminating him from the organization or satisfying the insatiable need to attack, control and destroy that the harasser usually presents, which he takes advantage of the situation that the particular organizational situation offers him (reorganization, cost reduction, bureaucratization, vertiginous changes, etc.) to channel a series of psychopathic impulses and tendencies”. (Piñuel, 2001, p. 55).

Today when there is obviously a globalist plan with the nefarious purpose of drastically reducing the world population and eliminating Western culture based on the essential postulates of Christianity, with a radical position and without lukewarm euphemisms, what is at stake here is life of decent workers who depend on a fixed salary that has become "unconstitutional", so things must be called as they are:

Whoever harasses a person is a stalker, whoever humiliates them is a humiliator, whoever violates their fundamental rights is a rapist, whoever enriches themselves at the expense of the needs of the vulnerable is a hungerer, the privileged or plugged in who boast a supposed economic recovery to the detriment of the growing misery of the majority, they undoubtedly belong to pharisaism, which has not managed to stop the inflationary scourge, an incompetent, and who does not decree the payment of a minimum living wage (as established in article 91 of the Constitution ), at a time when death threatens at every moment due to the lack of resources to cover the required nutrients, protect health and safeguard life, it is certainly an exterminator.

Help! We are dying.

(Published in El Nacional and La Nación. Date: February 19 and 20, 2022)

«For the purposes of this Statute, "crime against humanity" shall mean any of the following acts when committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population and with knowledge of said attack: a) Murder; b) Extermination; c) Slavery; d) Deportation or forced transfer of population;…h) Persecution of a group or collectivity with its own identity based on political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural, religious reasons…; k) Other inhumane acts of a similar nature that intentionally cause great suffering or seriously threaten physical integrity or mental or physical health” (Article 7. Rome Statute)

It is the duty to repeatedly denounce, without allowing the matrix of opinion to be imposed, manipulated or administered, that in the case of university workers we are condemned to "sudden death", due to the high levels of malnutrition and the impossibility of coping with any type of disease due to lack of resources to cover such essential needs to sustain life

In Venezuela, the salary of more than 95% of wage earners is below the international poverty line. That is why it is repeated and it is not an exaggeration, that we are dying for not even having a "Minimum Vital Salary". Help! A damaging paragon is in full swing with dramatic similarities to that of Armenia in 1915, where thousands of writers, artists, ecclesiastics, teachers, professionals and influential members of the intellectual and Christian community were exterminated; this for the fact of advocating, advocating and fighting for the benefit of equality, freedom and justice, that is to say "overcome the shadows and darkness" product of the precursors and accomplices of the only evil thought, portrayed in an extremely fascist behavior and totalitarian in nature.

Let us take into account, on the one hand, that the salaries of university professors and extended the labor benefit to the rest of the labor community of the universities, must be governed in terms of the Homologation Norms (NH), this is an adjustment of the structure salary according to annual inflation, which must be reviewed every two years. However, the national executive arbitrarily failed to comply with this obligation since 2007, which led to the violation of article 91 of the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (CRBV), and with it the beginning of bankruptcy, decapitalization patrimonial and the extreme misery of the teaching, administrative and worker staff of the Venezuelan university institution.

On the other hand, with a circular dated 12-28-2016 by the Ministry of People's Power for University Education, Science and Technology (MPPEUCT), in an action of vulgar flagrante delicto and absolute impunity against the health and life of university workers (which typifies crimes or crimes against humanity), the labor benefit acquired with respect to the self-administered HCM was taken away from them, with the fallacious argument that by centralizing resources the labor community would benefit greatly. (Circulate at: )

With only these two dictatorial, unconstitutional, crude and unscrupulous acts (of the many they have carried out), what they really had covered up has been revealed. That is, leaving helpless on the threshold of death to the entirety of a social group that works directly and indirectly in favor of quality university education and excellence: but it is well proven that it is the least that interests them. (Circulate at: )

"All universities closed"

(Published in El Nacional and La Nación. Date: February 26 and 27, 2022)

Intelligenzaktion, Intelligence action or intelligence action, was the evil and criminal process of extermination of culture and with it the "brain structure" of Polish society by the Nazi empire, which was not limited exclusively to the destruction of cultural heritage tangible that it was an inconvenience for the rooting and expansion of the Third Reich, but it became palpable in the genocide (planned before and atrociously developed at the time of the Second World War) of the intellectual referents of Poland (just as the Turks had done with the Armenian people between 1915 and 1923): including teachers, political activists, students, judges, military veterans, journalists, scientists, businessmen, doctors, lawyers, writers, artists, musicians, philosophers, athletes, priests (more than 90 % of the Polish population of Christian religion), etc.

"As part of the Nazi plan to destroy Poland, the Germans engaged in cultural genocide, based on the looting and destruction of libraries, museums, scientific institutes and laboratories, as well as national monuments and historical treasures. They closed all universities, high schools and engaged in the systematic murder of Polish scholars, teachers and priests. Millions of books were burned, including about 80% of all school libraries and three-quarters of all science libraries. Polish children were prohibited from acquiring education beyond the elementary level in order that the new generation of Polish leaders could not emerge in the future. According to a May 1940 memorandum by Heinrich Himmler: "The sole aim of this education is to teach them simple arithmetic, nothing beyond the number 500; to write one's name; and the doctrine that it is divine law to obey the Germans" » (United States Holocaust Memorial Museum)

Government: has the audacity to demand, judge and condemn

(Published in El Nacional and La Nación. Date: March 04 and 05, 2022)

Part I:

The right to life is a priority and of greater hierarchy than any other, so the argument that free university education is a constitutional right becomes invalid when article 91 of the Constitution of the Republic is openly and flagrantly violated. Bolivarian of Venezuela, that is to say the “Minimum Life Salary”. In other words, the remuneration that allows us to live with dignity, and which is currently a determining factor in not dying due to poor nutrition and the lack of ability to acquire any medicine or have effective health coverage.

Everything is related to everything. Not at all any cause is generator of effects, causalities: completely within a deterministic framework. Therefore, an irresponsible government that fails to comply with its constitutional duties has the audacity to demand, judge and condemn. A government that does not "wash or lend the batea", that "tears its clothes", but with premeditation contradictorily insisted, with its internal and international accomplices, to "exterminate" any institution and person that could be an obstacle to the implementation of its anti-Christian political economic model.

Part II:

After almost four years of having formally delivered a communication to the Senator for the State of Florida (USA) Marco Rubio, we have received an email from this honorable legislator dated February 24, 2022. This message specifies:

“Since you previously contacted my office, I want to make sure you know that my staff will be holding a virtual mobile office in your area in the next few hours. My staff will be available to serve constituents on topics such as Social Security payments, IRS issues, federal disaster claims, and veterans benefits, as well as to listen to your concerns and suggestions. Please note that I will not be attending in person, but my staff will be directly available to provide any necessary assistance. If you are unable to meet with my staff during this time but need assistance, please call my office and we will be happy to help” (Full content at: )

The “concerns and suggestions” are related to the letter that was delivered to him in May 2018 (more valid than ever), the proposals presented in “All Universities Closed” (El Nacional, 02-26-2022) and the statement following:

The Temporary Protected Status (TPS) is wonderful for approximately 320,000 Venezuelans who are in the United States, but also very urgent humanitarian protection is required by more than 20 million Venezuelans who reside in Venezuela. Please attend to the proposals and requests presented in 2018, and the one we demand today, such as the one related to the transfer of monetary aid to Venezuelan workers who continue to live in Venezuela, given the enormous amount of economic and financial resources. (more than 20,000 million dollars) that belong to Venezuelans but that are held in the United States of America and other European countries: given the sanctions against the government of Venezuela, even more so when the decree that considers this Venezuelan regime, as "an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States" (initially issued in 2015).

Communication. US Congressional Senator (May 2018):

As a Venezuelan (born in Mérida, 1963), an economist by profession (graduated from ULA, 1989), university professor (ULA 1991-1996 & UNET since 1991) and on behalf of the Association of Professors of the National Experimental University of Táchira (APUNET, 2016-2018), on May 8, 2018 (dated April 24, 2018) a communication was delivered to his office located in Washington DC, to the Senator for the State of Florida (USA) Marcos Rubio. It contains a set of considerations, propositions and requests that are outlined below:

The critical situation that we are suffering in Venezuela due to a contradictory government management and far from pragmatic procedure, ceased to be a contingency to become a matter of survival, product of the sustained and systematic consolidation of the complex national emergency, with direct affectation in the dimension human, particularly with regard to the destruction or breakdown of the health system and the persistence of negative purchasing power. In short, the state of bankruptcy, asset decapitalization and critical poverty in which Venezuelans find themselves is a public and notorious fact.

There are ample certain and proven indications that Venezuela is immersed in an irrefutable "complex emergency" and is also suffering from the rigors of a "war" originating in essence from the implantation and implementation of a contradictory and absurd model of national government management, which even It has thus been made official and cataloged by themselves as "economic" through their communication policy. Proof of this is the shortage of food (almost 100%), of medicines and medical supplies (over 90%) that aggravated the critical levels of malnutrition and cases of human fatality due to lack of qualified medical care and the collapse of the national health system... With the aggravating factor of the massive emigration to other countries of talented young people and trained personnel.

This tragic situation is suffered by most of the Venezuelan inhabitants and institutions, but in particular it is up to me to cite one that is essential for the development of any country, which regrettably and sadly is in frank agony and decline. This institution to which I refer is the University as a whole. It is important to remember that her essential mission is to train professionals and generate innovative-technological products that the Venezuelan State requires.

 But contradictorily, the University has been abandoned to its fate, it has been denied the resources required to empower itself and contribute to the reactivation of the country. With the aggravating circumstance that his entire community (students, workers, administrators and teachers) has been severely beaten, constantly mistreated and even despised. Today its workers are going through a terrible state of poverty and misery that prevents them from living with dignity and fulfilling the mission established in the Magna Carta and the Law of Universities (and that, on the contrary, forces them to emigrate or dedicate themselves to another trade to the detriment of the same University and Venezuela).

In this sense, in a very respectful manner, you are sent some complementary proposals that could be incorporated into the humanitarian plan in favor of Venezuela that you have been advancing.

1/7 All of the above suppose the essential causes to activate the "International Humanitarian Aid", thus established in accordance with Humanitarian Law, and qualified particularly in the respective current regulations of the UN, such as the case of Resolution 46/182. Therefore, it is exhorted that the necessary procedures be carried out and expedited to allow and facilitate the entire Venezuelan population to be attended to in such a situation of extreme and vital urgency.

3/7 It is essential to transfer purchasing power to all decent workers based on a free supply and distribution of goods and services, a release of cash and real salary adjustment equal to the level that existed in December 2007 (in order to reactivate effective demand). For this purpose, there is a methodological proposal related to the "Salary Structure, Benefits and other Labor Aspects", having as a reference framework the Venezuelan reality in terms of economic, social and political matters.

4/7 It is essential to promote the essential integration between the public, business and university sectors in favor of true lasting well-being. But for this, the execution of a Comprehensive Plan for University Reconstruction or Reactivation (PIRU) must be started immediately, where the investment of capital and infrastructure in all Universities is essential, which complements the fair and necessary budget for operating expenses and benefits labor (salaries among others) indexed: in favor of the integral formation of our students and for the benefit of the society to which we owe ourselves. (All the content of the communication at: )

What is behind the "war" that is suffered at all levels?

(Published in El Nacional and La Nación. Date: February 26 and 27, 2022)

In the expository texts that precede, some considerations and propositions have been formulated that allow a minimal response to what was indicated by the university colleagues. However, it is opportune to clarify that the traditional criteria in the three-dimensional field, at any level or scenario, are not enough to try to effectively problematize and find an approximate resolution of the system of equations compatible with chaotic dynamics (or war at all levels that includes the university) where we find ourselves submerged: other dimensional levels of analysis are required. Then, in the attempt to give some guidelines that allow responding in part to the expectations shown by the respectable interlocutors, some glimpses of the guiding lines that have affinity with the thesis “Political Economy Today. A perspective from spirituality” (Morales, 2021, ):

The sequence of geopolitical events reveals the direct action of the "son of perdition" to implant his anti-Christian mentality. But be careful: it is not about one block being good and the other bad, since both are accomplices of the evil one, "because we are not fighting against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the governors of darkness..., against spiritual hosts of wickedness” (Ephesians 6:12).

The 3rd World War is on a spiritual level, which has been systematically "weakening" the Christian foundations of Western society, which makes it seem very difficult to definitively initiate a process of renewal, transformation or conversion in favor of the path set by God. . However, the only option we have is to begin by recognizing with the greatest humility: "Mercy, Lord, we have sinned" (Psalm 50).

The priority is to cleanse and heal the soul and spirit of each being, from all negative influence by the "son of perdition", to counteract its destructive invasion. How is it achieved? Strictly following Jesus Christ, fully complying with his model of life and teachings. Consecrate oneself entirely to God, putting completely at His service the gifts and talents bestowed by Him. (Mark 10, 28-31). Repent and rectify: multiple signs and signals, but "some" of this "generation" continue with their wrong behavior, they only pursue their petty interests and perdition, as equal to or worse than Nineveh. "Let each one turn from his evil way" (Jonah 3, 1-10). Don't waste any more time. The real threats that are present in the world force spiritual wisdom to immediately begin the route of conversion within the model of life of Jesus Christ. But: "what shall I do to inherit eternal life?" The answer in: (Mark 10, 17-27).

The "great announcement" or "illumination of conscience" is not far off, then: How do you know if you have spiritual health? "When you remove oppression, the accusing finger and slander from you, when you offer the hungry what is yours and satisfy the afflicted soul." (Isaiah 58, 9-14) How to know the start time on the route of Jesus Christ? "One does not begin to be a Christian through an ethical decision or a great idea, but through the encounter with an event, with a person, which gives a new horizon to life and, with it, a decisive orientation." (Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI, 12-25-2005: )

The kingdom of the Divine Will of God is diametrically opposed to the hypocritical attitude of pharisaism, which is summed up in: delaying decisions, inconsistencies in thought, word and action, giving value to appearance, believing oneself superior to others, scandalizing falsely, apply the law for convenience, turn a blind eye to injustice, respect the form but not the essence of the norm, murmur, criticize, slander and judge anyone or anything inconvenient to their interests. The problem becomes a bigger problem when there is no disposition from the heart to solve said problem. "From the heart comes what is impure" (Mark 7, 14-23). "The mouth of the righteous exposes wisdom. Commit your way to the Lord, trust in him, and he will act..." (Psalm 36).

The pleading and praying faith, in extreme situations, requires permanently stripping off all vestiges of arrogance, authoritarianism, arrogance, conceit, which are summed up in a lack of humility and lack of trust in the Mercy of God. "Blessed are those who respect the law and always practice justice. Remember me for the love of your people, visit me with your salvation" (Psalm 105). But, what prevents us from grasping God's messages and definitively opening ourselves to His Divine Mercy? “Spiritual deafness” is due to the fact that from very early and until very late, so absorbed and even dazed by the noise generated by the world, that it does not allow growth in the spiritual and, on the contrary, hardens the heart. In "Efetá" (open) lies the solution (Mark 7, 31-37)

"Lord... you always free those who fulfill your will...".”When I called on you, you heard me, Lord." Then: "Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you; for everyone who asks receives, whoever seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened." However, the actions and decisions based on tares, pride and pettiness are contrary to the Divine Will, so instead of resolving they will always worsen the situation. The spirit for the desires of the earthly that is reflected in envy, is contrary to the Holy Spirit that feeds charity. Remember: 1) "He who knows how to do good and does not do it, he is in sin." 2) "He who is not against us is for us." 3) "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

Was the vaccine or treatment applied to have a healthy soul? The health of the body is important, but transcendental is to protect and cure the soul from the temptation that leads to sin, that is, the offense against God due to disobedience to His Divine Will. (Luke 4, 1-13). With their "sane judgment" and "best judgment", each one is free and completely responsible for choosing to be definitively on the "right" or "left" when the moment of the "final judgment" arrives (Matthew 25, 31-46). It is important not to continue wasting time or to lose second chances to rectify. Prayer, fasting and penance essential to know how to discern the signs of these times. "Blessed is he who does not follow the counsel of the wicked, nor enter the path of sinners, nor sit in the assembly of the cynical; but his joy is the law of the Lord, and he meditates on his law day and night (Psalm 1).

Whoever wants to heal and save must continually pray in prayer, meditation and/or contemplation. Requests to the Our Father: 1) Hallowed be your name. 2) Your kingdom come. 3) Your will be done on earth and in heaven. 4) Give us our daily bread… 5) Forgive our offenses just as we “forgive” those who offend us. 6) Do not let us fall into temptation. 7) Deliver us from the evil one. (Matthew 6, 7-15)

Universidad sin “ellas” deja de ser universidad

(Published in El Nacional and La Nación. Date: February 26 and 27, 2022)

In the sequence of expository texts presented previously, a set of factors deliberately planted, integrated, motorized and monitored against everything that the university institution represents in its unavoidable and inalienable mission of "overcoming the shadow" have been analyzed in a non-exhaustive way. ” that begets and advocates the evil one. Digression: Indeed, the "contingent emergency" given its regularity in the routine work, was transformed into a continuous decline, given by the deliberate normality, induced and imposed by the "revolutionary" ideologues of the 21st century.

However, despite all that macabre plan that has undoubtedly hit the economic, social, moral, spiritual dimension, etc., in a forceful way, to the point of attacking with impunity against classic postulates such as the one related to "the most valuable capital of everyone is what has been invested in human beings" (Marshall, 1890), the flag of the Academy must always be raised high, as the main reason for being of the university and of all committed university students, but also in consubstantial catalytic dependency with what Academic Management and the respective Academic Policies represent.

The Academy is dedicated not exclusively to the transmission of knowledge, but to "the construction of thought, doing, thinking, being (...) through continuous research processes" (Ortiz and Marulanda: 1990: p.57). So much so, that the cornerstone, center of gravity and shared vision of all academics must be and will be, in an inalienable way, the consolidation of academic excellence, which is conceptualized in the normative postulates of article 109 of the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (CRBV): "knowledge through scientific, humanistic and technological research, for the spiritual and material benefit of the Nation".

Consequently, the synergistic conjunction of teaching, research and extension is the essence and reason for being of the University Academy. For this reason, without any ambiguity, the national government should not forget what is established in the Organic Law of Education that they themselves approved, when it is postulated that Higher Education Institutions focus on the materialization of "the exercise of intellectual freedom , theoretical-practical activity and scientific, humanistic and technological research, in order to create and develop knowledge and cultural values”.

In this order of ideas, Academic Management is the central axis of university life, so based on the ideas of Díaz and Requena (2007) it can be conceived, within a systemic and holistic approach, as a process based on integrality, which involves multifactors of an administrative, social, labor, pedagogical, etc. type. (Tedesco:1993); and whose fundamental objective is to attend to the proper development of university teaching, so that it can adequately perform and fulfill its functions (reproduction and distribution of knowledge), by involving relevant pedagogical-technological resources in a strategic, timely, coherent and pertinent manner for the execution of curricular innovations that make viable the continuity, optimization and sustainable development of everything inherent to the educational process, but always in full agreement and in tune with academic policies.

Regarding the Academic Policies, and acting in the role of academic coordinator of the Academic Vice President of the Unet, it is appropriate to evoke some lines of the work paper presented for discussion in the University Council of the Unet in July 2003:

Policies are general guidelines that print a joint orientation to action, with purposes, goals and procedures, from which standards and agreements, regulations and operating manuals are derived. In this sense, the vision of the University that we wish to build materializes in a coherent and integrated set of Policies that define the general guidelines for Unet to affirm its essence as an academic, national, public, autonomous institution committed to Venezuelan society.

 The development of Academic Policy strategies consists of tracing the path that will be followed to fulfill the mission and materialize the vision of the University. This layout is defined in detail through functional strategies, to finally implement them through action plans.

The National Experimental University of Táchira (Unet) is an institution totally focused on: a) Creating and transmitting knowledge, principles and values; b) Promote culture in its broad dimension; c) Investigate fundamental issues of knowledge and society.

In its institutional connotation, Unet must have a set of functional strategies that allow it to: i) Reaffirm its status as a public institution; ii) Renew its national character; iii) Preserve their autonomy; iv) Endorse their social commitment.

Functional Strategies

Policy 1: Attention to the university community

Strategy 1: Training and updating of academic staff members

Strategy 2: Comprehensive student training.

Strategy 3: Updating administrative staff.

Strategy 4: Care for university life

Policy 2: Renewal of educational processes

Strategy 1: Comprehensive training

Strategy 2: Flexible Study Plans and Programs

Strategy 3: Teaching processes and resources.

Strategy 4: Differentiated attention.

Strategy 5: Link with research

Strategy 6: Link with the productive sector and with society.

Policy 3: Strengthening of research

Strategy 1: Development of the research system

Strategy 2: Linking research and teaching

Strategy 3: Linking research with society

Strategy 4: Planning and evaluation in the research system

Policy 4: Participation in Problem Solving

Strategy 1: Link with the national environment

Strategy 2: Link with the educational system

Strategy 3: Linkage with Unet graduates

Strategy 4: Linkage with retired Unet staff

Policy 5: Development of academic cooperation

Strategy 1: National academic cooperation

Strategy 2: Internationalization

Strategy 3: Mobility of teachers, researchers and students

Policy 6: Technological transformation of academic support systems

Strategy 1: Information and telecommunications technologies

Strategy 2: Technological transformation of the library

Strategy 3: Institutional Equipment.

Policy 7: Improvement of communication and university services

Strategy 1: University communication

Strategy 2: University facilities

Strategy 3: Protection and security mechanisms

Policy 8: Promotion of structural and administrative reforms

Strategy 1: University campus system

Strategy 2: Administrative Reform

Strategy 3: Administrative staff and workers

Policy 9: Promotion of institutional planning and evaluation

Strategy 1: Planning and evaluation

Strategy 2: Institutional information systems

Policy 10: Diversification of financing

Strategy 1: The allocation of financial resources

Strategy 2: Strengthening the university budget


Without these three integrally correlated aspects, the university would no longer be a university. A university without an Academy, without an Academic Management that dynamizes it and without Academic Policies that sustain and support them, lead to an "organization" that fails to fulfill its mission and vision. University without “them” ceases to be a university. In addition, absolutely convinced that the University Institutional Management must be based on and focus on the pillars of University Policy and never on partisan politics: even less the incongruous and senseless one advocated by irrational conflict.

Spiritual atmosphere:

The same thoughts always lead to the same decisions. The same decisions lead to the same behaviors. The same behaviors lead to the same experiences. The same experiences produce the same emotions. And these same emotions end in the same thoughts. Question: What nourishes our thoughts at every moment?

Pedro Morales


Associate Professor

University Professor in Venezuela (ULA-UNET) for more than thirty years.

Postgraduate studies at NOVA University (USA)

Recent academic activity (University of Dubai):

Phone: 011 58 276 3530018.

WhatsApp: +58 4168735028

CV-Presentation letter:


Twitter: @tipsaldia

Facebook: Unet Economía

Email: / 



Venezuela, March 2022

My respects and consideration.

Please allow me to offer two preliminary considerations that could serve as a presentation and as a basis for a better fluency in communication:


The professional and academic work in the field of economics and accounting, the management, formulation, evaluation and environmental assessment of projects, mathematics, statistics and econometrics, institutional management and university teaching, are based on the ethical principles related to the mission of "collaborating in the orientation ..." and "doctrinal contribution in the clarification of the problems ...” Please check the following links:


ü  UNET: Shared vision of a great University


ü  Economic Perspective (radio production):



ü  "We are at your service":


ü  Opinion column:

ü  Ecological Walk:

ü  Current institutional management:

ü  Books:


The philosophy of life is synthesized as follows. "First of all God and the Blessed Virgin, fully trusting in Divine Mercy and enforcing the Holy Will: with dedication to academics to share and exchange knowledge and culture with faithful devotion ... fruit of critical and creative thought at the service of humanity ... always humble with a posture of generosity, gratitude, solidarity and chivalry ... where you learn from everything and everyone; the simplest and even trivial is also worth assimilating; it is essential to strengthen mind, body and spirit; must be believed to learn; To teach and ensure the integral formation of our students, the teacher's learning process must be continuous and non-stop…. “learn to build one's own path of knowledge and discover that the best teacher is within us… And definitely we must all have a pet like "Sandy" or a "Bimbo”...


Health and harmony are my wishes.

Academic path:

Recent academic activity (University of Dubai):

Pedro Morales


Associate Professor

University Professor in Venezuela (ULA-UNET) for more than thirty years.

Postgraduate studies at NOVA University (USA)

Phone number: 011 58 276 3560018.

WhatsApp: 58 4168735028

Email:  / 


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